Why and how can you do something like this?
Jag och min kompis gör ett projekt om World Trade Center, jag ska nu skriva fakta på enegelska om vad som hände 11 september, 2001. Jag börjar ju såklart grina när jag läser om det! Men hur kan man inte bli liiite tårögd när man ser denna bild:

343 deaths were New York City firefighters, 84 were Port Authority employees, of whom 37 were members of the Port Authority Police Department, and another 23 were New York City Police Department officers. Of all the people who were still in the towers when they collapsed, only 20 were pulled out alive.
Ni måste väl få en liten tår i ögat:'(?

343 deaths were New York City firefighters, 84 were Port Authority employees, of whom 37 were members of the Port Authority Police Department, and another 23 were New York City Police Department officers. Of all the people who were still in the towers when they collapsed, only 20 were pulled out alive.
Ni måste väl få en liten tår i ögat:'(?