I had a beautiful dream last night, I wish it was real, I really do. It was magical, it's everything I want, it was perfect. It felt real. Why did it end? I woke up. It was . . . just a dream. I hadn't thought about it that way before. I want it to be real! I guess it was just a dream, for some it's reality, for me . . . it will always be a dream, a fantasy, unreal. I cry when I think about it because I know I won't ever dream the same again . . Maybe it will be real for me someday. No, what am I saying? It won't ever be my reality, because of the way I look,the way I speak, the way I walk, the way I dress. I don't deserve it! I am not normal. Everybody says so, and it's true! I know that. So why do I dream about it? It only makes it worse!!
I won't cry over it. It will all be over one day anyway, right? I know people say 'Don't worry, you're young, you have you're whole life ahead of you, it will happen to you one day to'. Bullshit! You don't know anything, you will have it! You're the total opposite to me, you are almost perfect, so don't even think that you're like me! You have no right to feel sorry for yourself! The only thing I have to live for right now is my friends, if I didn't have them I wouldn't have anything to live for! But I will loose them one day to, they will move on, and what will I have? Why don't you take a second do look around you, appreciate what's good in you're life. Don't take anything for granted! I really hope you have a nice life, someone should . .


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