An unexpected surprise

Detta är i typ 3 kapitel så detta är kapitel 1 så ni får gå längst ner för att byta till kapitel 2:D

Kommer inte sätta ut de andra kapitelna;)

Hittils så var denna bra:D

Chapter one: Same old

A week from now it has been a year since he left, and the pain is almost unbearable. But I keep on struggling, for Charlie's health. I can't let him know that my heart was torn out when he left me and that my heart disappeard with him, and that he will never come back, just like my heart.
You could say that I live two life, my real life is that I go to school, I go home and do my homework, make dinner to Charlie (sometimes to myself too, but since he left I just do what make most sense, why eat? I could just die, it's not like I've something to live for), and cry myself to sleep.
And then there's my other life, the life everybody thinks is the life I'm living. But it's not.
In that life I go to school, talk with my friends, that for some reason support me (except for Jessica), but I don' t listen to them as much, I keep for myself a lot. Once in a week –maybey two- Mike, Angela, Ben , me and sometimes Tyler go to see a movie or go bowling our stuff. Once again I don't talk so much then, I keep my head busy to think about stuff that will not remind me of him. It's like a charade. But I don't know how much I can keep it going. It's not like I'm a machine that can go on, and on forever. Forever. That's what he had said so many times, just him and me. Gone, that will never happen.

``Bella!-´´ Charlie yelled down the stairs ``If you don't get up now you will be late for school!´´.

With a big sigh I rolled off the bed and was heading for the bathroom when I took a quick glance on the clock. 07:40 AM!

Shit! I thought for myself. I just have to skip the shower this morning I guess.
I took the closest pants and top that was in my reach, the same blue denim jeans that I wore yestersay, it was hanging over my chair and a clean white blouse that were on my desk.
Then I brushed my teeth without eating something -as usally- and ran down the stairs, where Charlie was waiting for me.

``Thought I would give you a lift for school to day, so you don't come late, you know´´ he said.

I thought about it for a second and was about to accept the offer, when I realized that I couldn't.

``That's okay dad, I'll be fine-´´ I replied ``- how would I get home, after school?´´

``Oh´´ He had obviously not thought about that. ``How about I drive you to school, I go home and drive your truck to your school, Jacob could pick me up and drive me home and I could get my cruiser and drive to work?´´

``Okay, that's sounds good´´ I replied with a little smile. I really did like that idea, I did't want to come late for class and enter the room when alredy have started and all eyes will lock on me as I would hurry up to my seat. The attention. Ugh! I just want to be invisible, so that nobody can see me, nobody can talk about me behind my back (as if I would care about what they said).

``You know, the res school starts around 10 AM, so Jake wouldn't be late´´ He said, while he was looking me in the eyes, while I replied it with looking down to me feet.

``What is it, Bells?´´ Charlie asked worried.

I didn't know what to answer. I couldn't really tell the truth, just like `Hey dad, guess what? Every minute since Edward left, I've been thinking of him. I've been a zombie. A wreck, if you hadn't notice. So don't ask me what it is, 'cause you should know by now´. No, that would be to much, it would be enough just to say `Fine´.

``It's nothing Dad´´ I lied. Charlie had some creepy-weird-irritating "gift" so that he could see right through me every time I lied. It really started to bug me, but Charlie just accepted my lies, without digging for the thruth. He thought it was the best, so did I. Less is more.

``Then let's go!´´ He said and pushed me through the door with a laughing sound in his throat.

When school was over, I stood infront of the stairs that led to the parking lot and looked after my rusty red truck. And there it was. Of all the parking places, Charlie had chosen his parking space. Of course Charlie hadn't known it used to be his, but with a big sigh I started to walk fast just to get over with it, but the closer I got, the more memories it brought back.

Suddenly it was April last year and I was sitting in his Volvo, with him by the steering wheel and we were listening to Debussy. He explained that it was his favourite and he had looked up at me with his topaz eyes and dazzled me. By that time I did not know that he was a vampire, I just thought he was the most beautiful creature in the world, and I think it was the first time he had ever dazzled me.

And then I was sitting in my old truck again on my way home.

When I got home I was about to unlock the door when the phone rang. I quickly opend the door and dropped my bag to the floor as I ran for the phone.

``Hello?´´ I breathed.

``Hey Bella! It's Jacob!´´

Jacob. I hadn't talked to him since he had told me that he was a werewolf, but I don't know why.

``Hi Jake!´´ I replied ``What's up?´´

``Nothing, that's why I called you, wanna hang out or something?´´ He asked -happy as a puppy when their owner got home.

``Sure, I'll be down in fifteen minutes´´

``Great! See ya!´´ He said, with a huge throat filled with happiness.

``See ya!´´ I replied, but he had already hung up, but that's okay. He was just so happy.


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